Anthropology, Ethnography and Folkloristics
Explore Anthropology, Ethnography and Folkloristics, from Himalayan wish-granting entities to the nightclubs of Berlin!
These articles will take you through important themes in Anthropology, Ethnography and Folkloristics, from scholarly methodology to exciting case studies from the field. Read on to find out about the wish-granting entities of the Himalayas, the European nightclub that sparked an anthropological phenomenon and more!
For university and A Level students, Dr. Orton offers ad hoc or regular tutorials to support your studies. She also works with independent learners who are eager to learn more, as well as independent researchers who are starting their own Anthropology, Ethnography or Folklore project, making a documentary or writing a book. Contact us to find out more!
Research Methods and Theory for Anthropologists
Covering everything from important theoretical debates to fieldwork ethics, these blog posts are a resource for university-level scholars or independent researchers. We’ve included clickable links to useful literature and canonical scholarship you need to be acquainted with to get started, drawing from Dr. Orton's work in South Asia and Europe. For those who are simply interested in anthropology, enjoy these examples from different cultures all over the world!